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OpenDocument (ODF) Acid Test Proof of Concept

This content is 17 years old and may not reflect reality today nor the author’s current opinion. Please keep its age in mind as you read it.

Morning all,

I’ve just put the finishing touches on the first
proof-of-concept Acid Test for OpenDocument Format (ODF) which I hope
will become a useful tool for encouraging and testing interoperability.
The tests themselves (148 of them in the 14×14 grid following the Web Standards Project‘s Acid2 test) still need development, as explained below, but the framework is in place.

You can read more about it at http://sites.google.com/a/odfiic.org/acid/ods and in the post to the OASISODF Implementation, Interoperability and Conformance (IIC) Technical Committee Formation‘ mailing list below. You’re also encouraged to get involved if you have something to offer to the standards process.

Here’s a sneak preview:

And here’s the post:

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Sam Johnston
Date: Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 2:34 AM
Subject: ODF Acid Test – Proof of Concept
To: [email protected]

Morning all,

a view to starting this week afresh I have been busy over the weekend
preparing the first proof of concept ODF Acid Test for the spreadsheet
component. The results are surprisingly impressive, thanks in no small
part to conditional styles
which allow me to set the cell colour depending on whether tests pass
(1+1=2) or fail (1+1=3). For more information about the test
methodology, samples, and the files themselves, refer to http://sites.google.com/a/odfiic.org/acid/ods

is not to be confused with an interop panacea (there is no such thing),
but it can be used to focus attention where it is most needed (provided
the attention is not too focused!). It also allows users to get on board the interop bandwagon and has proven a potent incentive for the browser vendors. Kudos to Google’s Ian Hickson and the rest of the Web Sandards Project for their pioneering efforts in this area.

Kind regards,


Sam Johnston
Australian Online Solutions
+61 2 8898 9090