What’s wrong with this picture?
- There’s not a single provider for telephony (AT&T, T-Mobile, etc.)
- There’s not a single provider for text messaging (AT&T, T-Mobile, etc.)
- There’s not a single provider for instant messaging (GTalk, MSN, AIM, etc.)
- There’s not a single provider for e-mail (GMail, Hotmail, Yahoo!, etc.)
- There’s not a single provider for blogging (Blogger, WordPress, etc.)
- There’s not a single provider for “mini” blogging (Tumblr, Posterous, etc.)
- There IS a single provider for micro blogging (Twitter)
- And it’s down for the count (everything from the main site to the API is inaccessible)
- And it’s been down for an Internet eternity (the best part of an hour and counting)
What are we going to do about it?